• 01:54
  • Tuesday ,01 March 2016

Contempt of ISIS

By-Imad Khalil

Article Of The Day


Tuesday ,01 March 2016

Contempt of ISIS

Days ago, an Egyptian court sentenced a group of Egyptian Christian children in Minya to five years because of a 40 seconds video clip in which they imitate the slaughter of 21 Copts in Libya by ISIS. This means that they will be imprisoned 45 days for each second.

I said in a previous article that the contempt of religion law has become a sword hanging over the necks of the Copts. A mistaken “like” or “share” on Facebook may send you to prison in no time. 
Copts in general refuse insulting Islam or any religion by all means. However, this law can only see defamation of Islam and ignore all defamation of Christianity. 
Misdemeanor Court of Beni Mazar had imprisoned Christian teacher Jad Joseph for three years for filming such video clip. The Egyptian singer Tamer Hosni was sinned to one year in prison for counterfeit and fleeing military service. Yet, the court ordered the stay of execution in order to preserve his future since he was 21 years old. Yet, the Coptic children will go to prison since they criticized the divine ISIS!
Egyptian Christians rushed last week to support Egypt in the dollar crisis, and they responded to the calls of the president to donate for Egypt. Yet, the Egyptian judiciary punishes their children for criticizing ISIS. We demand president al-Sisi to cancel the contempt of religion law because the latter provision is a slap to modern civil state. It simply returns us to the Middle ages and the Inquisition.