• 17:15
  • Friday ,26 February 2016

Egyptian ambassador to Israel submits his credentials


Home News


Friday ,26 February 2016

Egyptian ambassador to Israel submits his credentials

Newly appointed Egyptian ambassador to Israel Hazem Khairat submitted Israeli President Reuven Rivlin his credentials Thursday, the Israeli Foreign Ministry announced via its Twitter account.

Khairat has received a red-carpet reception in the Israeli government in Eastern Jerusalem, Kol Israel reported.
“Welcoming Amb Khairat of Egypt. #Israel & #Egypt found a way to live together in peace- a message to the whole world,” Israeli President posted on his official Twitter account
Khairat is the first ambassador appointed to Israel for three years, after former Islamist President Mohamed Morsi recalled former Egyptian ambassador to Israel Atef Salem Al-Ahl in 2012 as a protest against Israel offensive in Gaza.