• 01:15
  • Friday ,11 December 2015

15-yr boy accidently set factory alight with a lighter

By The Cairo Post

Top Stories


Saturday ,12 December 2015

15-yr boy accidently set factory alight with a lighter
A huge fire broke out at paper factory in Cairo’s Obour city after a 15-year old boy accidently lit a lighter, the factory’s owner Tharwat Thabet told Youm7 Saturday.A huge fire broke out at paper factory in Cairo’s Obour city after a 15-year old boy accidently lit a lighter, the factory’s owner Tharwat Thabet told Youm7 Saturday.
Some 15 fire vehicles were deployed to the factory; civil protection forces managed to control the fire and prevented its expansion to nearby factories.
The damages caused by the fire were estimated at five million EGP ($ 625,000), according to the owner.
The fire has not resulted in causalities.
A police report was filed about the incident and prosecution began investigations.