• 22:03
  • Tuesday ,17 November 2015

Tanta University’s challenge against niqabis sitting exams rejected


Copts and Poliltical Islam


Tuesday ,17 November 2015

Tanta University’s challenge against niqabis sitting exams rejected

Tanta University’s challenge against the ruling allowing female students to take exams with their niqab, an Islamic face veil, was rejected by the Administrative Court Monday, Youm7 reported.Tanta University’s challenge against the ruling allowing female students to take exams with their niqab, an Islamic face veil, was rejected by the Administrative Court Monday, Youm7 reported.

The court, however, obliged students to reveal their faces whenever requested for identification purposes.
The ruling is not general; it relates to a case that dates back to 2010, where the court revoked a decision by Tanta University to ban niqab during exams, prompting the university to challenge the ruling. The students who had filed the case against the university in 2010 graduated in 2012; hence the Monday ruling.
In September, Cairo University banned its academic staff from wearing niqab while delivering lectures or training to “provide proper communication.”