• 20:51
  • Monday ,16 November 2015

Again and again TERROR

J.M Fahmy

Article Of The Day


Monday ,16 November 2015

Again and again TERROR
I was planning to write about tourism in Egypt I had a few Ideas but once again terrorism and their actions imposed a change of plans in my last post from Egypt as I’ll resume my few future articles from other countries.
Before I start I’m undecided may be you could help me make my mind; Some time ago an ISIS executioner of British origin clearly identified by name and origin despite his mask and disguise but his accent clearly identified him, his voice made it clear he was John whatever though he changed his name to Mohamed something!
Almost a year ago may be more this Mohamed or John published a video executing an American reporter that was covering the events in Syria and disappeared some time ago, it was said ISIS abducted him then, and this execution video was one of the main ways that uncovered Mohamed and was doubtless identified as the British citizen John. Now after all this time Americans and their president decided to avenge the death of that reporter and successfully blown up that Mohamed or John during an attack on ISIS two days ago and instantly celebrated the event!
Great but why am I undecided? I said it before and say it over again I’m an ordinary citizen just like you I have no secret resources neither any connections to local or international intelligence, therefore just like you I discovered upon a TV broadcast that the main hidden hand in all conspiracies against Egypt is Britain hiding behind another creation they had created it over the years America or the United States! Yes I had doubts and pointed to them in previous articles all based on historical facts, now I have a TV broadcast backing up my theories, but the last American move puts doubts again how are they the hidden hand of Britain and dare to kill a British citizen? Or it is another cover up as the British PM late declarations upon the Egyptian President’s visit made me feel his invitation to the president was meant to humiliate him! And made me feel Britain was really behind the scenes in all events that hit Egypt! 
Having said that now I move to another major even; the Friday 13th November 2015!
Well president Frençois Holand was 1st one to support Egypt in its war on terror and accepted to supply Egypt with top weapons in the arsenal of France, moreover, the first European country that decided to support Syrians in their fight on ISIS which encouraged the Russians to publicly declare their support to Bashar El Assad that for years supported him behind the scenes, so would all that pass unpunished? 
So ISIS orchestrated the Friday 13th attack! I’m sorry for the people peacefully having their dinner outside or watching a show and died for no reason but to prove they are there and active! But what puzzles me is few months ago a similar attack less aggressive but killed Charlie took place and before a previous attempt took place when his magazine published what was seen by radicals as article that insults Islam and I’ll not be surprised if sometime later another attack will take place again as it seems to me French people do not get the lesson and still providing shelter to radicals to live freely within them!
My censer condolence to all who died in Paris, and all other places by terrorists but I’m not Paris neither I’ll wear the French Flag I’m Sharm El Sheikh and may God keep blessing Egypt and Egyptians Peace of the Lord be upon you all!