• 20:51
  • Monday ,26 October 2015

Elections Once Again

J.M Fahmy

Article Of The Day


Monday ,26 October 2015

Elections Once Again
Last week for exceptional reasons I had to apologize from writing my weekly article as I never before had experienced such a strong stroke of flu. It was not just sneezing or coughing, rise in temperature or fever I just experienced all that adding to it a total drop of appetite and activity I could only sleep! After 3 continuous days of no food no motion no activity just continuous sleep interrupted by sneezing or coughing or both! Then by a miracle all alone was able to leave my bed, stand up and I really felt what God said:-
“I will save those who love me and will protect those who know me as Lord. 
 When they call to me, I will answer them;
 When they are in trouble, I will be with them. 
 I will rescue them and honour them.
 I will reward them with long life;
 I will save them.”
Indeed that what has happened to me I could not even call the Lord for his help, I could only think of those words and was sure that this will pass and it did, thanks God!
Now back to the main subject, Elections, I was planning to talk to the people, try to make them reason and stop being driven by wrong ideas or principals but almost 1st part of elections is done Egyptians once again proved their rejection to political religion!
The fight is not over yet. Contests, the results not accurate, discrepancies about candidates, convicted people still in candidate lists, and all kinds of excuses are still on!
The battle is far from being over, Egyptians still fighting to keep Egypt one unified COUNTRY! 
Amazingly traitors deny their conspiracies and loyal citizens or candidates try to unmask the lies and expose the truth and fight goes on however, I’m more confident now on Egyptians rejection of political religion; last week I was scared to death elections might bring back the political religion that damaged out unity and country, many people were warning Egyptians if they do not vote and make their choice, other unwanted choices might impose themselves, but thanks God Egyptians proved to be fierce in their choices and rejection to the political religion, no need any more for court decisions to remove political religion it is enough Egyptians ignore their existence and sooner or later they will go away!
I rest my case at this point may God keep blessing Egypt and Egyptians and peace of the Lord be with you all.