• 18:02
  • Wednesday ,23 September 2015

It is time to establish Coptic Central Bureau of Accountancy

Michel Fahmy

Article Of The Day


Wednesday ,23 September 2015

It is time to establish Coptic Central Bureau of Accountancy

The current financial situation in the churches is wrong. I’m not exaggerating as many people may think. I decided to shed the light on wrong habits by our spiritual leaders that affect the church very bad, especially as they don’t accept council of the Coptic expert and just ignore them.

Our bishops abroad buy monasteries and churches that cost millions of Euros and dollars that we don’t even need. For example, His Eminence Bishop Anthony bought empty monastery of St. George for nuns in Scotland. He found no nuns in Scotland and had to import some from Egypt. Several bishops do the same in other places.
His Eminence Bishop Cyril, Bishop of Milan, purchased a piece of land in Venice, the most expensive land in the world, to build a Coptic Cathedral named after St. Mark, in which Pope Tawadros celebrated the very first holy mass on May 8, 2015. I wonder: how many Coptic families are even living in Venice?
Bishops of the church are increasingly traveling abroad for no good reason. Remember that every diocese abroad has its own bishop to take care of. Remember also that such visits cost a lot of money.
I believe it is a good time to establish Coptic Central Bureau of Accountancy in order to save a lot of money for the church. Our spiritual leaders shouldn’t leave their ministry and care for financial issues. This is clearly against the teachings of the holy bible that says that nobody can serve two masters: God and mammon.
Do not tell me that Finance Committees are doing this job, as they have no authority over the priests and bishops in our churches and monasteries. 
I don’t seek power or membership of any of the committees I call for as I am too old and weak to do so. However, money of the church should be wasted no more. Experts are many among the congregation and the church has to benefit from them.