• 20:35
  • Friday ,18 September 2015

Queen of Denmark receives Pope Tawadros II

Naim Youssef

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Friday ,18 September 2015

Queen of Denmark receives Pope Tawadros II

Father Poulos Halim, spokesman for the Coptic Orthodox Church, said that the Queen of Denmark received Pope Tawadros II on Wednesday. Father Poulos Halim, spokesman for the Coptic Orthodox Church, said that the Queen of Denmark received Pope Tawadros II on Wednesday. 

Margrethe II, the Queen of Denmark, received at the royal palace in the capital Copenhagen His Holiness Pope Tawadros II, Pope of Alexandria and Patriarch of St. Mark See, and the delegation of the Coptic Orthodox Church.
It’s worth mentioning that Pope Tawadros holds a pastoral care visit to several countries including Denmark, Sweden, and Ethiopia.