• 12:42
  • Friday ,18 September 2015

Media of ignorance

Naim Youssef

Article Of The Day


Friday ,18 September 2015

Media of ignorance

Dr. Mustafa Mahmoud, the Egyptian scientist, 1presented a TV show under the title “science and faith" in which he objectively presented the right scientific information. However, years after the show was closed, our media is specialized currently in presenting several myths and superstitions instead of science. 

Few days ago, Tamer Amin, Egyptian anchor, presented in a program aired on Saudi Channel talked about "Supreme Council of the World".
The presenter of the show claimed that such council is able to control the natural forces like hurricanes, earthquakes and volcanoes, and use them to destroy countries.
This only reveals the inexperience of the anchor and his ignorance that doesn’t respect the mentality of his viewers. He ignores the basic role of media to educate the audience. 
However, this role is absent in Egyptian media that trade on superstitions in order to sell more adds. May God repose the soul of the great scientist Dr. Mostaaf Mahmoud.