• 09:32
  • Friday ,28 August 2015

Maspero Youth Union denounces demonstration against the Church

Nader Shoukry

Top Stories


Friday ,28 August 2015

Maspero Youth Union denounces demonstration against the Church

Maspero Youth Union refused calls by some people to demonstrate against the Church on September 9 to achieve a list of demands to put pressure on the church.Maspero Youth Union refused calls by some people to demonstrate against the Church on September 9 to achieve a list of demands to put pressure on the church.

Hani Ramses, member of the Political Bureau of the Union, said such calls comes to achieve evil goals by some movements inside the church that want to embarrass the pope and the leaders of the church.
Ramses added that such movements embraces young Copts working in politics and try to use them to achieve their evil goals.