• 07:37
  • Wednesday ,08 July 2015

Five injured in explosion near court in Egypt's Nile Delta


Copts and Poliltical Islam


Wednesday ,08 July 2015

Five injured in explosion near court in Egypt's Nile Delta

Five people were injured on Tuesday morning when a bomb exploded near a court in Egypt's Nile Delta governorate of Beheira, state news agency MENA reported.Five people were injured on Tuesday morning when a bomb exploded near a court in Egypt's Nile Delta governorate of Beheira, state news agency MENA reported.

The bomb led to the destruction of two cars which were parked near Eitay Al-Baroud court.
No deaths or damage to the court building itself were reported.
A local health ministry official told MENA that five people with minor injuries were immediately transported to hospital.
A state of anxiety seized local residents following the loud explosion.
Civil protection forces descended on the court and neighbouring areas to search for any other explosive devices, a security source told MENA. 
Egypt has recently seen an increase in the number of bombings by Islamist militants which have targeted courts and judges.
Last week, Egypt witnessed its longest battle against IS group in the Sinai Peninsula, leaving at least 117 dead.