• 08:56
  • Monday ,06 July 2015

Salafist party launches 'Egypt stronger than terrorism' campaign


Copts and Poliltical Islam


Monday ,06 July 2015

Salafist party launches 'Egypt stronger than terrorism' campaign

The ultra-conservative Salafist Nour Party has launched a campaign against extremism and terrorism.The ultra-conservative Salafist Nour Party has launched a campaign against extremism and terrorism.

"Egypt stronger than terrorism' aims to raise public awareness of the dangers of extremist ideas and protect the youth against them," Nour Party leader Younis Makhyoun said in a statement on Sunday.
The campaign comes after last week's assassination of the prosecutor general and attacks on security checkpoints in North Sinai.
Mass conferences, in coordination with the security forces, and flyers will call on people to "unite against terrorism".
The Nour Party had the second highest number of seats in the 2012 parliament, behind the Muslim Brotherhood, before the legislature was dissolved.
Egypt is fighting a decade-long Islamist militant insurgency that has spiked since the ouster of Islamist president Mohamed Morsi in July 2013.
The attacks have at times spread to Cairo.
The attacks have claimed the lives of hundreds of police and army personnel, while the army says it has killed hundreds of militants in North Sinai.
On Tuesday, the country's top prosecutor Hisham Barakat died from his wounds in a bomb attack targeting his convoy in Cairo.
On Wednesday, 21 army personnel died in simultaneous attacks targeting checkpoints in the restive North Sinai governorate.
The army retaliated by carrying out a major offensive on militant hideouts. The army released a statement on Saturday stating that the offensive had killed 205 militants over three days.