• 17:04
  • Tuesday ,16 June 2015

President Sisi invites Vatican Pope Francis to Egypt


Copts and Poliltical Islam


Tuesday ,16 June 2015

President Sisi invites Vatican Pope Francis to Egypt

Egypt's ambassador to the Vatican handed Pope Francis an official invitation to visit Egypt from President Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi, Al-Ahram newspaper reported Monday.Egypt's ambassador to the Vatican handed Pope Francis an official invitation to visit Egypt from President Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi, Al-Ahram newspaper reported Monday.

In an interview with Al-Ahram, ambassador Wafaa Nessim said the visit is being coordinated through diplomatic channels and its date has not yet been determined.
Nessim added that Pope Tawadros II, Egypt’s Coptic Orthodox Pope, also invited Pope Francis to visit Egypt.
El-Sisi met with Pope Francis in the Vatican last November and informally invited him to visit Egypt.
Former president Hosni Mubarak visited the Vatican in 2006 and met Pope Benedict XVI.
Pope John Paul II visited Egypt in 2000, which was the only visit by the Vatican's Pope to Egypt.