• 01:30
  • Wednesday ,10 June 2015

Mr. President, You are wonderful

By Abram Tawadros

Article Of The Day


Wednesday ,10 June 2015

Mr. President, You are wonderful
As a disabled Egyptian citizen, I was very impressed with your positive step and brilliant apology for the masses of individual lawyers for the offensive statements, which was released from a police officer against a lawyer last week. I admired your statements that you appologized for each lawyer promising to give them all their rights.
Indeed, Mr. President, your efforts and tangible works in Egypt makes me believe say that you are really wonderful, but it is also will be most spectacular to feel the suffering of the rest of your people, the Egyptian people, whom are really love you with all sincerity.
Will you apologize for the youth including those with disabilities, whom lived a humiliating life and spent their life looking for a suitable job, trying to live like other human beings, but find several difficulties to come out of their home according to the lack of appropriate transportation for them and non equipped ladders in government departments!
Can you  offer a practical apologize and  provide us with suitable means of transports, equipped housing units dedicated for people with disabilities and also can the state  provide us with compensatory medicines and devices that we need? Do you feel them and their suffering, Mr. President? I hope.