• 13:02
  • Tuesday ,10 August 2010

Northern border an emergency zone: Egypt

By-Egypt News

Home News


Tuesday ,10 August 2010

Northern border an emergency zone: Egypt

Egypt's security deployed several hundred extra forces on its northern border on Thursday, declaring the area under "extreme emergency" following what officials said was the launch of rockets from the area earlier in the week, said Ma'an

Top-level security forces were sent to the northern Sinai, security officials said, to begin investigations into the presence of Palestinian factions who allegedly fired seven grad-grade rockets toward the Jordanian and Israeli port towns of Aqaba and Eilat on Monday, killing one Jordanian man.
Security forces will search the area and conduct investigations into the possible hiding place of Palestinian factions, said on Wednesday to be believed to have been mandated by Hamas to carry out the rocket launches.
Hamas denied the accusation, saying Egypt sought to lay blame and cast suspicion on Palestinians in Gaza as an excuse to maintain the siege.
The security personnel will also reportedly be searching for elements within Egypt who assisted the group in accessing Taba. Officials said smuggling tunnels were likely involved in the incident.