• 21:43
  • Wednesday ,15 April 2015

The joy of the Church for Sisi’s gift

Medhat Bishay

Article Of The Day


Wednesday ,15 April 2015

The joy of the Church for Sisi’s gift

I read an article in Rosalyousef magazine about the joy of the Coptic Church for Sisi’s gift at the Easter. The article said that the state gave a nice gift to the church at this Easter by allocating 30 acres to build a new Cathedral in New Cairo.

The state should take its responsibilities and help the religious institutions to spread its good values against the spreading values of atheism and fanaticism in our community. 
However, I wonder why any church should obtain a license from the presidency unlike building any mosque. Why don’t we follow the regular order of licensing any other building? Why do the church always care for buildings and forget about the spiritual life of its congregation? 
I wonder what is more important: new laws and decisions or the existence of mechanisms  to implement those laws and to emphasize the prestige of the state.
Nader Shokry wrote on Copts United about huge masses of fanatics demonstrating at Nasria village in Beni Mazar, Minya, after a Coptic teacher was accused of contempt of Islamic religion. The angry mobs decided to attack and stone houses and properties of the Copts because of one mistake that he was not yet found guilty by a court. The church of the village was also stoned. All of this happened in the presence of security forces that were not able to stand before the huge numbers of demonstrators.