• 04:58
  • Tuesday ,17 March 2015

Mother kills three children due to online affair in Damietta

By The Cairo Post

Home News


Tuesday ,17 March 2015

Mother kills three children due to online affair in Damietta
After an alleged online affair with a man, a 29-year-old alleged killed her three children in Sharbas villages in Damietta (Delta) in Egypt Saturday, Youm7 reported.
“I regretted being married and felt that the eight-year-old marriage is not good for me anymore. I got married to a humble worker and that was not my aim in the whole life; then I asked for the divorce, but my husband and my family refused. I felt my children were burdens for me and decided to get rid them to live,” Salwa, the mother said.
She added “I thought to get rid of them in many ways, I even considered throwing them into a water conduit.”
According to the investigations, Tamer Mohamed, the worker, tried to wake up their children,  a 5 year-old son and 3-year-old twin girls, he found them dead. He and his 70-year-old mother, thought they had been poisoned.
The forensic report revealed they had not been poisoned , but were asphyxiated. The mother later confessed to having suffocating by using a wet piece of cloth.
The woman, who is being held for four days pending investigations, reportedly said she had killed her children to get a divorce in order to remarry another man she fell in love with online after chatting with him online.
The mad allegedly asked her to “get rid” of her children, and police forces are pursuing the man for questioning.