• 18:57
  • Tuesday ,18 November 2014

Another man accused in Morsi 'espionage case'


Copts and Poliltical Islam


Tuesday ,18 November 2014

Another man accused in Morsi 'espionage case'

Another accused has been added to the case against ousted president Mohamed Morsi and 35 other leading Muslim Brotherhood figures Saturday.Another accused has been added to the case against ousted president Mohamed Morsi and 35 other leading Muslim Brotherhood figures Saturday.

The defendant, Samy Amin El-Sayed, was recently arrested and accused together with the other defendants of engaging in acts of espionage in the years 2005 to 2013. The defendents in the case also face charges of working with the Gaza based Islamic movement Hamas to plot terrorist acts in Egypt.
The case was adjourned to 18 November when the court will listen to the prosecution.
The newly accused replied to the prosecution’s charges saying that the case against him and the others is fabricated. The defence requested to be allowed to study national security reports presented in the case to court.
On 6 September, prosecutors referred Morsi and nine others for trial on new charges of spying for Qatar.
Morsi, who was ousted last year, faces a number of other charges in separate cases, including incitement to murder and breaking out of prison in 2011.