• 15:52
  • Wednesday ,12 November 2014

Egypt's Salafist Front to protest on 28 November to 'impose Islamic identity'

By Ahram Online

Copts and Poliltical Islam


Wednesday ,12 November 2014

Egypt's Salafist Front to protest on 28 November to 'impose Islamic identity'

Egypt's ultra-conservative Islamist "Salafist Front" is calling on its allies to protest on 28 November to "impose the Islamic identity without disguise."Egypt's ultra-conservative Islamist "Salafist Front" is calling on its allies to protest on 28 November to "impose the Islamic identity without disguise."


According to statements of leadership member Mohamed Galal to the Turkish Anadolu Agency Monday, the protests will also "refuse the dominance of political and economic decisions and end military rule."


He said the protests on 28 November are just the beginning of a "new revolutionary movement of Muslim youth."


In a statement on its Facebook page, the Salafist Front has called on other Islamist groups and parties to participate in their protests. However, no groups have responded to their calls yet.


The Salafist Front is calling for protests as a separate party for the first time in two years. It has always been part of the largest Islamist coalition supporting ousted president Mohamed Morsi, National Alliance to Support Legitimacy (NASL).


Galal stressed that it is the first time that the front clearly highlights its demands.


He added that they will keep calling for those demands even if former president Morsi were to return to power.


Morsi was ousted 3 July 2013 following three-day mass protests across the nation.


The Salafist Front is one of a number of Egyptian Salafist movements to emerge after the 2011 revolution. It includes several prominent preachers and activists.


The group identifies itself as an association of independent Islamic and Salafist figures and proselytising blocs across Egypt's governorates.


Late Sunday, an unnamed leader of the Salafist Front was arrested, according to witnesses from the group.


A security crackdown on Islamist forces has been launched since Morsi's ouster.


However, the Salafist Call – one of the largest Salafist groups in Egypt – and its political arm the Nour Party have supported the roadmap that included Morsi’s ouster.