• 13:27
  • Friday ,31 October 2014

Three jihadists killed in Sinai, six tunnels destroyed


Copts and Poliltical Islam


Friday ,31 October 2014

Three jihadists killed in Sinai, six tunnels destroyed
The Egyptian armed forces continued on Thursday to raid suspected terrorist hideouts throughout North Sinai, resulting in shootouts and destroyed property.The Egyptian armed forces continued on Thursday to raid suspected terrorist hideouts throughout North Sinai, resulting in shootouts and destroyed property.
Together with Central Security forces and supported by helicopters, they combed and controlled a number of villages in Arish, Rafah and Sheikh Zuweid.
The raids killed three jihadists and wounded three others in an exchange of fire. Also, nine hideouts, five houses, two motorcycles and six tunnels were destroyed in Rafah on the border. 
Meanwhile, the navy and the coast guard imposed a security cordon along the coastal strip of the Mediterranean between Arish and the international border up to the Gaza Strip to prevent the infiltration of terrorist elements by sea. 
Moreover, rapid intervention units of the Third Field Army have been stationed throughout back roads and intersections to prevent radical militants from infiltrating into central and south Sinai.