• 10:19
  • Wednesday ,08 October 2014

Dr. Atef Najib is appointed director of the Coptic Museum

By-Peter Wajih

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Wednesday ,08 October 2014

Dr. Atef Najib is appointed director of the Coptic Museum

Dr. Mamdoh Damati, the Minister of commissioned issued decision to appoint Dr. Atef Najib as director of the Coptic Museum.Dr. Mamdoh Damati, the Minister of commissioned issued decision to appoint Dr. Atef Najib as director of the Coptic Museum.

Najib has been working in the field for 28 years. He worked as secretary assistant from 1986 to 1990 and as an inspector until 1992 and participated in excavations conducted by the sector of Islamic and Coptic monuments in the tombs of Kobbet al-Hawa in Aswan.