• 05:18
  • Friday ,05 September 2014

Smartphone film capturing daily sexual harassment in Cairo goes viral


Home News


Friday ,05 September 2014

Smartphone film capturing daily sexual harassment in Cairo goes viral

What is it like for a woman to walk alone through the streets of Cairo? A young Egyptian journalist used a hidden camera to capture the reaction of passers-by as she walked through the Egyptian capital. 

Over the past fews years, there's been numerous reports on the rampant sexual harassment plaguing Egypt. In a recent study, 83% of Egyptian women and 98% of foreign women reported that they had been on the receiving end of  obscene comments or inappropriate gestures from by men in the street.
Filmmakers Colette Ghunim and Tinne Van Loon are in the process of making a documentary on the subject and have released a short film to publicise their work. 
To capture this daily reality, they decided to use a cell phone to discretely film people on a busy street in Cairo. The result is a short video entitled "Creepers on the Bridge".