• 09:31
  • Wednesday ,16 June 2010

Canada invites Egypt president Mubarak to G8 meeting

By-Egypt News

Home News


Wednesday ,16 June 2010

Canada invites Egypt president Mubarak to G8 meeting

 Canada's Prime Minister Stephen Harper said late Sunday that Canadian government invited Egypt's president Hosni Mubarak to attend the Group of Eight summit it is hosting this month

According to Reuters, Harper said that "We invited leaders from seven African countries as well as Haiti, Jamaica and Columbia to attend the summit, citing a desire to make the event more inclusive"
He added that "We invited Algeria, Egypt, Ethiopia, Malawi, Nigeria, Senegal and South Africa to attend a special session at the summit"
Harper said that "We will be engaging African leaders as well as key hemispheric partners in order to broaden representation and maximize results on international development and peace and security issues"
The G8 meeting of major industrialized countries will be held June 25 and 26 in the resort community of Huntsville, Ontario. It will be immediately followed by a meeting in Toronto of the Group of 20, which includes the G8 as well as major emerging nations such as China and India.