• 07:57
  • Thursday ,17 July 2014

Mahlab discusses ‘urgent solutions’ for water shortage in New Cairo


Home News


Thursday ,17 July 2014

Mahlab discusses ‘urgent solutions’ for water shortage in New Cairo

Prime Minister Ibrahim Mahlab held a Wednesday meeting with a number of ministers to find “urgent and fast solutions” to the continuous water shortage crisis in New Cairo city, reported Youm7.

In the meeting, Mahlab and the ministers suggested installing new pumps in Tagammu el-Khames and Tagammu districts to improve access to drinking water; especially for the highland places, to be instituted in the next 15-30 days.
The residents of New Cairo city have repeatedly complained about an ongoing water shortage, caused by unfinished water stations in the city, limited access to water in upland areas and frequent breakdowns in the power lines feeding the main water pump in the city, Veto Gate news website reported.
The Minister of Housing, Utilities and Urban Communities met Tuesday with officials from drinking water and sanitary sector in the ministry, during which they discussed the New Cairo’s water problem and suggested similar solutions to overcome the crisis.