• 14:48
  • Thursday ,03 July 2014

Animals and the law

By-Noury Yashou

Article Of The Day


Thursday ,03 July 2014

Animals and the law

An American court has sentenced a man to 24 months in prison for intentionally killing a dog. It was such a shocking news for me as no body would accept killing an innocent animal, but after thinking for a while, I found out that in my country, Egypt, many human beings are killed without punishment for the killers.

In fact, many people in my country are allowed, permitted and encouraged by their Sharia to kill, loot and burn.
Furthermore, the same country that punished a man for killing a dog, namely America, is supporting the terrorists who kill human beings and wreck everywhere!
Look at the terrorist organizations in Syria, Iraq and Egypt. They spread chaos and destruction supported by America, the greatest country in the world!
The country where a man was sentenced to two years in prison had planted Israel hoping it will extend from the River Nile to Forat, which was accepted by Saudi Arabia and other Gulf countries.
How can we express our fear and pain for such injustice? How can we punish a man for killing a dog, and at the same time many people are killed and their murderers are honored? What kind of farce is that?