• 13:51
  • Tuesday ,06 May 2014

Qatar starts expelling Brotherhood figures

By-Almasry Alyoum

Copts and Poliltical Islam


Tuesday ,06 May 2014

Qatar starts expelling Brotherhood figures

Sources close to the Muslim Brotherhood said that Qatar has started carrying out the Riyadh agreement which stipulates the country must expel the Brotherhood figures, adding that some of them has already left Doha.

The expelled members include Mahmoud Hussein, the group's secretary general, Gamal Heshmat and Bassem Khafagy.
The sources added that Qatari government is working on a list of wanted figures or others involved in activities against the gulf countries or Egypt to turn them in to Gulf Cooperation Council.
A meeting by Qatar with other member states at the Gulf Cooperation Council mid April had reportedly hashed out a solution or the GCC crisis which surfaced when Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates withdrew ambassadors from Doha early March, citing Qatar’s intervention in their domestic affairs.
Qatar hosts a number of Saudi and Muslim Brotherhood activists opposed to their regimes at home. Qatari al-Jazeera Mubasher Misr channel is banned in Egypt and Saudi Arabia for materials critical of both regimes.
The recent meeting  reportedly discussed requests by Saudis and the UAE to deport Muslim Brotherhood figures. Both kingdoms are allies with the Egyptian interim authorities that had ousted the Brotherhood regime last year.
An Algerian newspaper reported on Sunday that the country is mulling a proposal to host Islamic Preacher Sheikh Youssef al-Qaradawi, head of the International Union of Muslim Scholars
The newspaper, which is close to decision-making circles in Algeria, said that the Algerian foreign minister was informed about the decision during his visit to gulf countries.
It added that it was intended that Qaradawi be hosted in Mauritania, Tunisia or Morocco. However, all were ruled out due to lack of guarantees of personal security to the sheikh.
The newspaper quoted an anonymous source as saying that Algeria will condition, in case of acceptance, that the sheikh does not intervene in any political activities.