• 19:10
  • Wednesday ,26 May 2010

Egypt arrests official over theft at mint building

By-Egypt News

Home News


Wednesday ,26 May 2010

Egypt arrests official over theft at mint building

 Police have arrested an official at the Egyptian mint on charges she stole 2.8 million Egyptian pounds ($495,700), the government said on Tuesday

Earlier this month, Egypt's central bank announced it had discovered that 2.8 million Egyptian pounds were taken from the mint building in central Cairo. The bank started internal investigations and sent the case to the public prosecutor.
Last week, the bank's assistant deputy governor, who is in charge of the mint, resigned following the incident.
In a statement posted on its website, citing an unnamed security source, the Interior Ministry said the woman confessed to having stolen the money after accumulating large debts to gold dealers.
The central bank earlier acknowledged that lax oversight had facilitated the theft.