• 20:38
  • Thursday ,27 March 2014

Cairo University pro-Brotherhood students protest mass death sentences


Copts and Poliltical Islam


Thursday ,27 March 2014

Cairo University pro-Brotherhood students protest mass death sentences

Protests by Muslim Brotherhood supporters took place on Wednesday outside Cairo University, according to privately owned TV channel CBC.Protests by Muslim Brotherhood supporters took place on Wednesday outside Cairo University, according to privately owned TV channel CBC.

Brotherhood supporters had previously announced they would protest on Wednesday against the Minya court ruling which two days ago handed death sentences to 529 supporters of ousted president Mohamed Morsi over the murder of a police officer, among other charges. 
CBC footage showed large groups of students running in the immediate vicinity of Cairo University and police forces heading towards Al-Nahda Square to disperse protesters who had gathered there. 
Cairo University is located near Al-Nahda Square, where Morsi supporters demanding the ousted president's reinstatement had camped for nearly two months before being forcibly dispersed by security forces last August.
A security source told Al-Ahram Arabic newspaper that groups of pro-Morsi students also protested in Zagazig University on Wednesday in the Sharqiya Governorate. Twelve people were wounded in clashes that ensued between supporting and opposing students. 
The source said rioting students smashed the glass façade of the university administration building as well as attacked a number of students and cars.
Police in Zagazig arrested eight rioters and brought the situation "under control," the security source added.