• 10:59
  • Thursday ,20 February 2014

Nafaa blames MB for rejecting his initiative


Copts and Poliltical Islam


Thursday ,20 February 2014

Nafaa blames MB for rejecting his initiative

Hassan Nafaa, a professor of political science at Cairo University, blamed the Muslim Brotherhood on Tuesday for rejecting his initiative, “Rescuing the state,” after the group’s latest statement didn’t refer to the initiative.Hassan Nafaa, a professor of political science at Cairo University, blamed the Muslim Brotherhood on Tuesday for rejecting his initiative, “Rescuing the state,” after the group’s latest statement didn’t refer to the initiative.

Nafaa told Youm7 that there is a difference in opinion among parties regarding asking the Brotherhood to take responsibility for the current crisis.
Sources inside the Brotherhood alliance told Youm7 that parties that have rejected the initiative include the Building and Development Party, the Al-Wasat Party, the Islamic Party and the Freedom and Justice Party.
The sources said the parties that accept the initiative are trying to persuade the others to find a way out of the crisis.
Refaat Al-Saeed, former leader of the Tagammu Party, told Youm7 that the Brotherhood technique is to stay quiet until politicians think it is a suitable time for initiatives, and wait for their chance to attack again.
Saeed said all their tactics will never work, but if they do the only loser is Egypt.