• 14:26
  • Wednesday ,12 February 2014

Khaled Ali waiting for electoral law to make up his mind: Campaign coordinator


Home News


Wednesday ,12 February 2014

Khaled Ali waiting for electoral law to make up his mind: Campaign coordinator

Adel Wassily, general coordinator of Khaled Ali’s presidential campaign, said Ali is waiting for the issuance of the electoral law before deciding if he will run for president.

Wassily told Youm7 that a meeting scheduled between Ali and Hamdeen Sabbahi last week did not take place but that the two were likely to meet soon.
The meeting would not necessarily oblige one to give up their candidacy for the other, said Wassily, but is instead scheduled to address electoral issues and the current political situation.
Both Khalid and Sabbahi ran in the 2012 presidential race, backed by the revolutionary parties, but failed to win. Some revolutionary parties are again concerned that multiple revolutionary candidates would split their voter base.