• 17:04
  • Monday ,30 December 2013

Beshr, Drag were instructed not to represent themselves: Ghazaly


Copts and Poliltical Islam


Monday ,30 December 2013

Beshr, Drag were instructed not to represent themselves: Ghazaly

CAIRO: Mohamed Beshr and Amr Drag, leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood did not represent themselves during negotiations with the government after the dispersal of the Rabaa al-Adaweya sit-ins because they were instructed by detained prominent leaders in the Brotherhood, Ahmed Rabie al-Ghazaly, a dissident of the Muslim Brotherhood, told Youm7 Sunday.

He added that they disappeared “following the failure in negotiations with the government and consequently the end of their ‘job.’” The Brotherhood “instructed them to disappear due to expected security pursuits,” added Ghazaly.
Ghazaly said that Beshr used to consult Khairat el-Shater before making any decision, who instructed him “to show more ‘flexibility’ in negotiation” except for when it is related to the release of Shater and the rest of the Brotherhood leaders.