• 11:25
  • Monday ,30 December 2013

The Coptic Orthodox Church bids farewell to the bosom of Christ and His saints:His Grace Bishop Ignatius, Bishop of Al-Suez

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Monday ,30 December 2013

The Coptic Orthodox Church bids farewell to the bosom of Christ and His saints:His Grace Bishop Ignatius, Bishop of Al-Suez

Who has reposed in The Lord after a long struggle with various illnesses. His Grace peacefully passed away at exactly eight thirty AM, on the morning of December 28, 2013. His Holiness Pope Tawadros will send a delegation of Bishops to attend the Prayers on his pure soul tomorrow morning, December 29, 2013 in the Church of St. George in the city of Al-Suez. We ask The Lord to repose his pure soul and grant comfort to his entire diocese.