• 22:06
  • Wednesday ,18 December 2013

Tagammu Party: MB group should be announced as terror group


Copts and Poliltical Islam


Wednesday ,18 December 2013

Tagammu Party: MB group should be announced as terror group

CAIRO: Spokesperson for Tagammu Party, Nabil Zaki, argued the delay in declaring the Muslim Brotherhood organization as a terrorist group after their criminal acts.

Zaki’s statements to Youm7 stressed the delay in taking action, although the court had previously ordered the confiscation of the Brotherhood’s money.
“Some political and civil forces demanded the announcement of the group as a terrorist one,” added Zaki, pinpointing that the final decision shouldn’t be made by the president but by the government.
He further said that the country is in need to pass the resolution issued after the dispersal of Rabaa el-Adaweya sit-in, announcing that the group is terrorist.
The Brotherhood group is expected to carry out violent and vandalizing actions during the January referendum and parliamentary elections, commented Zaki.
Zaki asked for the Brotherhood group to be included within the terrorism lists, in order to make those countries that back them regret their positions.