• 21:31
  • Monday ,02 December 2013

Alliance Supporting Legitimacy calls for million-man demos in solidarity with imprisoned Brotherhood girls

By-Almasry Alyoum

Copts and Poliltical Islam


Monday ,02 December 2013

Alliance Supporting Legitimacy calls for million-man demos in solidarity with imprisoned Brotherhood girls

The National Alliance Supporting Legitimacy has called for a million-man demonstration titled “Egypt’s Liberals Are Stronger” for a week in solidarity with the Brotherhood girls of the so-called 7am Movement who were sent to prison.

In a move that sent shockwaves through Egyptian society, the Alexandria Misdemeanor Court sentenced 14 girls, aged 15 to 17, from the movement to 11 years in prison for disrupting traffic, bullying and damaging property along the Corniche in the coastal city.
Khalaf, a lawyer at the Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights, described the girls verdict as “unprecedented in its harshness and absolutely unfair against peaceful protests.”