• 11:24
  • Monday ,11 November 2013

Badie, Erian trial over Giza violence set for 9 December

By-Almasry Alyoum

Copts and Poliltical Islam


Monday ,11 November 2013

Badie, Erian trial over Giza violence set for 9 December

Cairo Appeals Court have set 9 December as the date to try Muslim Brotherhood leaders Mohamed Badie and Essam al-Erian on charges of inciting violence in Giza this summer.

Badie, Erian and Brotherhood-affiliated preacher Safwat Hegazy stand accused of encouraging Islamist supporters to carry out street violence in Giza in July.
The three defendants had been detained pending investigations into the violence which broke out in Giza Square between supporters and opponents of deposed President Mohamed Morsy. The clashes left nine dead.
Defendants face charges of murder, attempted murder, possession of arms, disturbing public security and terrorizing citizens.