• 07:26
  • Wednesday ,18 September 2013

Cairo court orders freezing assets of Brotherhood leaders, allies


Copts and Poliltical Islam


Wednesday ,18 September 2013

Cairo court orders freezing assets of Brotherhood leaders, allies

The North Cairo Criminal Court has upheld requests filed by the General Prosecution demanding freezing the assets of a number of Muslim Brotherhood leaders and several of their allies.

The court approved freezing the assets of 25 Brotherhood leaders, including: Supreme Guide Mohamed Badie, Deputy Supreme Guide Khairat El-Shater, former Supreme Guide Mahdi Akef, as well as leading members Mahmoud Ezzat, Saad El-Katatni, Essam El-Erian, and Mohamed El-Beltagy.

The court has also approved freezing the assets of Salafist figure Hazem Salah Abu-Ismail, leading Wasat Party member Essam Sultan, Islamist preacher Safwat Hegazy, former MP Mohamed El-Omda and leading figures of Gamaa Islamiya Assem Abdel-Maged and Tarek El-Zomor.

Following the violent dispersal of two pro-Morsi sit-ins on 14 August, security forces have carried out mass arrests of prominent members of the Muslim Brotherhood, many of whom have been charged with 'inciting violence and murder.'