• 18:29
  • Friday ,19 July 2013

Islamists make promises ahead of deadline to end protest

By Aswat Masriya

Copts and Poliltical Islam


Friday ,19 July 2013

Islamists make promises ahead of deadline to end protest

Supporters of Mohamed Mursi who have camped by the Rabaa al-Adaweya Mosque since the Islamist president was deposed two weeks ago apologized to residents on Thursday for the harms they have inflicted on the Nasr City neighborhood. 

The apology came hours before a deadline granted to them by the residents to clear side roads and rally in two of the main roads instead.
In a statement, the Islamist alliance “to support legitimacy” that includes Mursi's Muslim Brotherhood and its allies assured residents that they would meet their requests and fix the damages for which they are responsible. 
The alliance also said that it has started clearing sides roads, alleys and backyards off protesters and have asked them to leave the location clean.
It also urged the protesters to refrain from using fireworks after midnight or laser lights and offered to provide several services for the neighborhood’s residents including plumbers and electricians.