• 20:31
  • Tuesday ,09 July 2013

Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood calls for more protests after killings


Copts and Poliltical Islam


Tuesday ,09 July 2013

Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood calls for more protests after killings

CAIRO, July 8 (Reuters) - Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood and its Islamist allies called for more protests on Tuesday, after 51 people were killed in Cairo on Monday when the army opened fire on supporters of ousted Islamist President Mohamed Mursi.

Mursi supporters blame the military for opening fire on them outside the Republican Guard compound where the former president is believed to be held. He was ousted by the military on Wednesday. The army said it opened fire in response to an attack on its soldiers.
"In protest against the military coup that was followed by suppressive actions, topped by the Republican Guard massacre that took place at dawn, we call on all citizens and honourable people to protest on Tuesday across Egypt," Hatem Azam, a spokesman for a coalition led by the Muslim Brotherhood, told a news conference. (Reporting by Tom Perry; writing by Mike Collett-White; Editing by Michael Roddy)