• 06:02
  • Monday ,10 June 2013

3,2 One Weeks

J.M Fahmy

Article Of The Day


Monday ,10 June 2013

 3,2 One Weeks

Yes, it is the count down in weeks to a very important date or appointment in Egypt or for Egyptians or call it whatever you want the appointment is 30th. Of June or on the 1st anniversary of Morsy or Dr. Morsy or whoever he is who sat on the ruling sit of Egypt that like most Egyptians I reject as president I never voted for him neither acknowledge the fake results of voting!

Writing about 30th. Of June does not mean I approve the idea, I always said appointed revolutions fail  you give lot of time to counter move! We saw Turkey youth and people got upset for whatever reason they just went to the square and did their demonstration they did not set up appointments! 
We see the MB minister of interior already took precaution measurements and threatened the people from certain actions ensuring extreme re-action which means his pistol is ready to fire! He is not the very same minister that spent government money and budget to protect private institutions -Muslim Brotherhood building headquarters in Mokatam?- He is not the very same minister who did not protect the Christian Cathedral upon the first ever attack on it? And the Cathedral now has become the gathering point for any protesters the attorney general renewed the custody period for a number of Muslim suspects of that attack, and this decision was not welcome by their relatives who decided to have a stand by the Cathedral! I'm afraid tomorrow a killer will be executed and his family will have a stand by the Cathedral not to talk bout the Students who failed the Thanaweya Ama Exams or did not score the desired percentage and decide to have a stand their I guess soon the Cathedral will take the place of Tahrir Square in Muslim Brotherhood demonstration cause this sectarian fights is the best way to keep Egyptians busy and fighting each other leaving Muslim Brotherhood in peace!
Sectarian Violence and fights warning!
 In this 30th.June appointment another important set back is the time will be invested by Muslims Brotherhood to create fake Christian Accounts on Twitter and Facebook and other social media to call the wipe out of Islam in this stand up and no need to explain what this might mean to the simple ignorant guy in the street! Guys who do not know computers and never seen the net! Guys hear their religion is threatened by a handful fanatic guys!
Militants and Thugs 
Obviously this time is used to organize Militants from Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas an Kaeda and many more MB terrorist underground groups to be there for support of their 1st ever official MB ruler in the middle east! It is the time to say :- WE ARE HERE TO STAY FOREVER! How? By scaring people, lot of Egyptians including myself see this 30th of June appointment as the time to declare the Civil War that had been declared unofficially on Egyptians!
Scenarios for 30th. Of June 2013.
What is expected to happen on this day is lots -How much this is a big question but a LOT- of Egyptians will go express their rejection of Morsy as president he took a lot of time -A WHOLE YEAR- and did nothing but more of atrocities, misery and careless attitude leaving and ignoring people stand ups in Tahrir and Etihadeya and going left right and centre in trips like if nothing is happening in his country! This attitude apparently is a general MB attitude we saw it repeated by Tunis President and Ardoghan in Turkey, going Trips while people stand and declare demands!
Back to the 30th June expected scenario, I repeat lot of Egyptian will express their rejection for Morsy and obviously MB will organize supporting demonstrations for Morsy to create clashes between the 2 sides giving the excuse to police to use tear gas and try to stop clashes this police will be MB policemen with MB militants for any terrorist group disgused in police or army uniforms to create more confusion and untrust between the people and their ARMY and POLICE!
Let me remind you all the solder, in police or army is just another Egyptian who would never harm or hurt his brothers who does that are militants and POLICE/ARMY forces are innocent!
What happens next only God knows either the Egyptians withdraw and set up a next date for a next stand up and Morsy for the next remaining 3 presidency years -if not extended by a new presidential order in a dictatorship environment- and Egyptians keep setting up appointments for stand ups and only God knows where the exit from this situation will be! Or, and still not a bright picture the stand up this time will not give up but will develop in a struggle a bloody struggle to give excuse to external forces to intervene like in Syria or Libya or best shut Army seeing this a serious threat to national security will come over to separate the fighting forces until new presidential elections take place under their supervision or juridical supervision or whatever wise men of Egypt see fit!
This is my view never meant to discourage people from standing up for their rights!
It is just a personal view I said it and will keep saying it something is wrong go out there say it clear and loud you do not need to set up an appointment for that or give an ultimatum and if I can say that inner inside myself I know this will never end up peacefully and seriously I hate fights and killing people even if the people are enemies cause differences in believes and agendas is not a good cause to shed blood and take away a HUMAN LIFE that I do respect, shall not kill is one of the 10 commandments that God gave us in Sinai a secret place that remain in our hearts forever!
May God help us to prevail the power of love over the love of power so that the world lives in peace so help us GOD!
I'll keep sending my messages in the coming weeks till God who blessed Egypt helps Egyptians get back Egypt! May God save Egypt and keep blessing Egypt and Egyptians!