• 00:16
  • Monday ,02 September 2013

Alexandria Station bomb update

By Aswat Masriya

Home News


Monday ,02 September 2013

Alexandria Station bomb update
Head of Alexandria security directorate Amin Ezz Eddin said the bomb found on Sunday morning at the main railway station in the city was found by ordinary people who informed the police about it. A police force then went to the area to examine it.
The bomb was found in a leather bag, but was not able to explode since its parts are not complete, Major General Ezz Eddin said in the statements published by state TV website Egynews.
Ezz Eddin added that the bomb was not meant to explode, but to intimidate citizens, since it was not properly manufactured.
The bomb is currently being examined by experts to determine the method of its manufacture so that police can figure out the organization or the group responsible for it, since there are certain methods followed by terrorist groups in making primitive bombs.
Ezz Eddin stated that the bomb was not meant to explode, but to intimidate citizens, since it is not properly manufactured.
The security general said the initial inspections makes it likely that jihadi elements are behind the planting of the bomb in that area.