• 00:10
  • Monday ,02 September 2013

Brotherhood vows continued protests until revolution restored

By Egypt Independent

Copts and Poliltical Islam


Monday ,02 September 2013

Brotherhood vows continued protests until revolution restored
In a statement on Sunday, the Muslim Brotherhood vowed to continue protests despite continued police crackdown almost two months after the ouster of former President Mohamed Morsy.
“Egyptians will not have rest after protests of last Friday until they restore the 25 January revolution,” they argued, adding that the revolution was hijacked by those who executed the coup, describing them as ‘thieves of revolutions.’
“No time for sleeping and rest until we restore the revolution,” they said, referring to the supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood and ex-President Mohamed Morsy who have continued ongoing protests since his ouster on 3 July. Nine security personnel and protesters were killed during last week’s demonstrations.
The Muslim Brotherhood said that Egyptians thought they had restored their freedom and dignity after the 25 January revolution and they deserve comfort in a modern democratic civil state, however, the thieves of revolutions have executed a military coup, throwing away all gains made in the Egyptian revolution.
The statement added that the military has crossed all red lines and took advantage of the political conflict between parties as well as the people’s day-today concerns by callling for authorization in an attempt to control the country and establish a dictatorial military regime that kills the innocent, detains honorable people and pulls the country backwards.
It also referred to the group’s protests saying, “On 30 August, Egyptians in all governorates took to the streets in an unprecedented number, that did not even happen during the 25 January revolution, expressing their rejection of the bloody coup.”
It concluded saying that people will never calm down until this military regime is toppled. Egyptians will not rest after 30 August. They will fill squares and streets everyday. They will escalate their peaceful movement and will come up with new peaceful methods to restore the revolution.