• 00:34
  • Friday ,30 August 2013

Al-Jazeera Egypt operating illegally without license – officials

By Aswat Masriya

Home News


Friday ,30 August 2013

Al-Jazeera Egypt operating illegally without license – officials
Top officials from three different Egyptian ministries met on Thursday to discuss the legal status of the Qatari-owned Al-Jazeera Egypt channel. 
The Minister of Information, the Minister of Communications and Information Technology and the Minister of Investment met in response to a cabinet meeting on August 15 that asked concerned parties to review the legal status of the channel and begin the necessary legal procedures. 
The high-ranking officials said on Thursday that the channel lacks the sufficient documents or licenses to operate on Egyptian grounds and is using equipment illegally. 
They also accused the channel of stirring tension in recent months by spreading false information and rumors that threaten national unity. 
The cabinet had accused the channel of posing dangers to national security at a time where instability caused by the army's ouster of Islamist President Mohamed Mursi was at a peak.