• 00:31
  • Thursday ,29 August 2013

Mass arrests of Muslim Brotherhood members continue

By The Middle East Monitor

Copts and Poliltical Islam


Thursday ,29 August 2013

Mass arrests of Muslim Brotherhood members continue

Continuing the mass arrest campaign against anti-coup Egyptians in recent weeks, on Tuesday night security services arrested at least 64 members and sons of members of the Muslim Brotherhood in a number of Egyptian governorates.

Security services arrested 23 in Cairo, including Saad Al-Shater, the son of the Deputy Supreme Guide of the Muslim Brotherhood, Khayrat Al-Shater.
Those arrested are accused of "inciting violence," but some are also accused of carrying arms, making anti-coup statements, and attacking police and public facilities.
In the city Six of October, security forces arrested Ali Mahmoud Amer, who is a member of the Executive Committee of the Freedom and Justice party, as well as a member of the National Coalition for Protecting Legitimacy. Security services are accusing him of organising anti-coup protests.
Meanwhile, security services also detained the husband of Muslim Brotherhood leader Mohamed Al-Beltaji's sister in Alexandria. Muslim Brotherhood sources said that he is a 65-year-old man who underwent a surgical operation shortly before being arrested.
Although the mass arrest campaign against its members and supporters continues, the Muslim Brotherhood has reiterated that its anti-coup activities would continue to be peaceful, despite the death of two more demonstrators in yesterday's demonstrations.