• 00:46
  • Wednesday ,28 August 2013

Islamist preacher, Salafist activist detained over December clashes

By Aswat Masriya

Copts and Poliltical Islam


Wednesday ,28 August 2013

Islamist preacher, Salafist activist detained over December clashes
Egypt's prosecution has ordered the arrest of Islamist Preacher Abdullah Badr and Salafist Activist Gamal Saber for 15 days pending investigations on charges of inciting the murder of protesters near the Ittihadiya presidential palace in December.
On December 5, clashes erupted between supporters of the deposed Islamist President Mohamed Mursi and opposition activists outside the presidential palace, leaving at least 11 people killed and hundreds injured.
The prosecution also accused the two detained Islamists of belonging to a terrorist armed group, disturbing public security and illegally possessing arms and ammunition.