• 23:47
  • Wednesday ,21 August 2013

Egypt's finally happy!

Youseef Sidhom

Article Of The Day


Wednesday ,21 August 2013

Egypt's finally happy!

The Egyptian government has finally moved to implement the authorization of the people to eliminate the terrorism of the Muslim Brotherhood. However, security forces moved wisely to disperse Rabaa El Adaweya and Nahda sit-ins. This was a strong message to the fanatics says: the people are fed up with your threats.

The Egyptians were very happy to receive news about Rabaa Adawia and Nahda sit-ins’ dispersal. They were already angry and frustrated for state taking too much time to disperse those sit-ins.
During sit-ins dispersal, many of the Egyptians were praying for the brave security forces that had to face the bullets and snipers of the terrorists who decided to destroy all hope of reconciliation with Egypt, before they leave power.
Still, elements of the Muslim Brotherhood are insisting on putting a tragic end to their 80-years dream to be in power by using violence against security forces as well as the Egyptian people.
Dear Egypt, the happy ending has come and hopefully you will finally enjoy victory despite the pain and suffering of the Copts whose properties and churches were burnt. This was their punishment for participating in the demonstration of June 30 against the Muslim Brotherhood. It's really important to keep Egypt united after the MB has tried hard to destroy such unity. Now we have to care for Egypt, its constitution, the parliament, and the presidential election. 
Yet, we don't worry much about the demolished churches as the Muslims and Christians will rebuild together.