• 03:13
  • Tuesday ,25 June 2013

El Baradei: Murder and maim of Shiites is a result of distorted religious discourse

Amany Moussa

Top Stories


Tuesday ,25 June 2013

El Baradei: Murder and maim of Shiites is a result of distorted religious discourse

Dr Mohamed El Baradei, founder of the Constitution Party, said that murder and maim of Muslim Shiites by Muslim Sunnis comes as a result of distorted religious discourse that was not subject to accountability.

He added on Twitter that serious steps are expected to be taken by the regime and Al-Azhar before Egyptians lose the rest of their humanity.
It’s worth mentioning that the official newspaper of the Muslim Brotherhood has completely ignored the massacre, and was busy attacking the demonstrators of June 30, and praise government’s claimed achievements.