• 00:55
  • Monday ,28 January 2013

Timed Revolution?

J.M Fahmy

Article Of The Day


Monday ,28 January 2013

Timed Revolution?

 I’m still away from Egypt but my heart and thoughts are always there, I noticed lately continuous threats of the forthcoming revolution on the second anniversary of the revolution that took ex-president off power! I wondered and still wondering about this TIMED REVOLUTION!

Let us review the 23rd of July 1952 revolution of ex-president Jamal Abd El-Nasser; In this revolution there was a secrete organization of the so called Free Officers –Dobat El Ahrar- those guys secretly met planned and executed their revolution they did not post it on the newspapers or twitter!
What this public appointment for a stand up or riot or demonstration or even a revolution means? It means it is either a well prepared TRAP by MB –Muslim Brotherhood- or worst by the National Salvation Front (NSF) which proved time after time its inefficiency its’ leaders their sole concern is to obtain a sit in parliament or gain more popularity at the expense of any party or ex-MB supporters who discovered how much they were fooled by promises never intended to be kept by MB leaders!
Let me re-iterate some simple facts about Dr. Morsy, is case you did not yet see them. He is not blind or daff but he pretends to be one when he oversees the public dismay of his decisions or the imposed new Islamic constitution when he invents all kinds of excuses not to acknowledge the clear opposition and pretend they are a few pre-paid thugs playing with the national security!
On the 25th January 2013 stand –not revolution by all means- Egyptians proved and show MB their real size and value among them; Religious cover up is not working they can no more hide behind majority but still this was not enough to force Morsy resignation which proved time after time it is a must based on inefficiency to run a country inability to take a right decision on right time he did not respect his own oath to respect law moreover tried to massacre and still the juridical system proved so far being just and fair not influenced by other than law! Legally Dr. Morsy should be retired as he did reach the retirement age and according to his own imposed Islamic constitution he is not allowed a 2nd term once retirement is due!
What Egyptians need more to take him off the presidency sit that it was never his but he got it thanks to conspiracies and under the table deals then he tried to fool himself more than the Egyptian people when pretending in each and every speech he was the choice of the majority! Egyptians are not daff and know very well he was NOT A MAJORITY CHOICE, but repeating that over and over by Dr. Morsy seems like he is trying to convince himself that this was true!
As I type this words news follows of deaths and people wondering who kills who? 17 deaths in Suez, 40 on Port Said, and fights still on, 2 in Cairo, and more in Alexandria, and still see the questions who kills who and are we at war?
My dear Egyptian brother if you think some one from Port Said would fire a single bullet on a boat that means to him a source of income you should be insane –excuse my language I’m wounded deeply wounded with a bleeding country- if you can not see in who’s best interest are those killings, fires, accidents and death over flying in Egypt then you seriously blind or got Morsy’s insanity! 
Egyptians, Dr. Morsy is not ex-president Mubarak, ex-president Mubarak was an Egyptian who participated in October 6th. 1973 war he among others created that victory and he was concerned of Egypt’s safety and unity, he saw people dismay and tried a lot to please them asking for a second chance which was denied by majority until stepped down to save Egypt’s unity and spare it a civil war! 
Is Egypt at WAR? 
Unfortunately, I can say with a wounded heart a big bolt YES, we are at WAR a CIVIL UNDECLARED WAR! When in less than 24 hours more than 60 deaths including Police and Army officers on duty this can not happen in a country in PEACE!
This unfortunately is not the case with Morsy, he does not care of Egypt he cares of Gaza not the people but the militants to protect his regime cause he knows well the size of his supporters! He cares of Qatar money and tries to sale the only remaining economic entity that still provide funds in spite of the continuous efforts to bring down and burn Egyptian economy.
When the army to protect itself primary to be able to protect Egypt refused the deal and said “Hands of Suez Canal” to Qatar he faced all kind of problems in Suez and Port Said! The two main cities that Suez Canal existence created the two entry points of the Canal are under fire and the Army in the middle of it!
Morsy and his private Gobles Safwat Hegazi the un-named propaganda minister that always treats Egyptians with his million supporter which are Hamas militants, Qaeda Militants or blinded brainless people guided under the religious flag and hired with some sugar and oil or food, those are traitors to Egypt and traitors loose the right to carry the name of the country they betrayed otherwise they can not be called Egyptians!
I’m still unable to understand how some one so humanitarian and upset for Gaza people and promised to never let go of them and always be there for them could leave his people in a CIVIL like WAR, if more than 60 people died within 24 hours including officers on duty what could it be call PEACE? And the worst their so called president did not even bother to say a few sympathy words to those dead!
Egypt and Egyptians you have God with you best protector do not expect miracles too and the one that wanted to burn Egypt and is burning it will ever quit his sit, this type of people need the sit to be taken from them by force! 
God Bless Egypt and Protect it from all Evil!