• 23:55
  • Friday ,28 December 2012

Egypt prosecutor orders probe against opposition

by the China Post

Home News


Friday ,28 December 2012

Egypt prosecutor orders probe against opposition

An Egyptian official says the country's top prosecutor has ordered an investigation into accusations against opposition leaders of incitement to overthrow the regime

The prosecution official said Thursday a judge will investigate the report filed last month accusing Mohammed ElBaradei, Nobel Prize laureate and former head of the U.N. nuclear agency, along with Amr Moussa, former Foreign Minister and Hamdeen Sabahi, a former presidential candidate, of inciting the overthrow of Egypt's Mohammed Morsi.

The official spoke on condition of anonymity in line with government policies.

The accusations were filed by a lawyer during a political crisis over a series of presidential decrees that granted Morsi and the committee drafting the disputed constitution immunity from judicial oversight. Tensions were fed by deadly clashes between pro- and anti-Morsi demonstrators