• 23:24
  • Thursday ,06 December 2012

MB's Assembly to cook a constitution

Mina Thabet

Article Of The Day


Thursday ,06 December 2012

MB's Assembly to cook a constitution

 I congratulate Muslim Brotherhood's Assembly as they've completed their job successfully achieving their goal to distort the identity of Egypt and destroy its pluralism and diversity, which the Egyptian society is characterized by against other Middle Eastern societies.

You've tried hard to impose your ideology against all other cultures, ethnicities, races and religions within the Egyptian society.  You've left no hope in a constitution that preserves the rights and freedoms of the Egyptians after their long struggle that ended up with the revolution of January 25, in which many young people have been sacrificing their souls in all Egyptian Squares against the dictatorship of Mubrak and MB as well.
You've ignored all jurisprudence to develop constitutions starting with the formation of the Constituent Committee and the mechanism of voting, in which  you got to a vote for a group of articles altogether! Now remember that you have been against the revolution in the beginning, and some of you have called the revolutionists infidels and encouraged killing those who were ready to die for their freedom.
We understand that your fascist draft include many cancerous expressions to develop a religious state of Egypt such as: the principles of democracy and Shura and State collecting money, as well as  the repeated use of the term "state guarantees" concerning the rights and freedoms without any serious commitment like what you say about “State commitment to protect ethics” as if you mean that our Egyptian community is totally immoral. Furthermore, we can't ignore that articles in which you put the (state) in equal position with (community), which paves the way for the groups of “Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice”.
In fact, you couldn't see the most important aspect of the scene, that the Egyptian people have refused to kneel down in slavery for any individual or group and have been struggling for their freedom and dignity for decades. I tell you: You may rule your MB group with such constitution, but Egypt has its civilized people who will lead its development and civilization.