• 00:20
  • Wednesday ,28 November 2012

Qandil: Today’s demonstrations will force Morsy at least to cancel the constitutional declaration

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Wednesday ,28 November 2012

Qandil: Today’s demonstrations will force Morsy at least to cancel the constitutional declaration

 Abdel-Halim Qandil, writer and journalist, said that President Morsy is responsible for the murder of Jika and Islam, the two minors who were killed by the police last week.

He added that Morsy and MB have proved their bad intentions after the constitutional declaration was issued.
Qandil explained that the demands of the Egyptians now are: the cancelation of the constitutional declaration and elect a new constituent committee to write the new constitution, fair trial for the killers of Jika and Islam.
If Morsy doesn’t cancel the constitutional declaration, he will lose his legitimacy, and will have to leave with his regime, Qandil added.